Better You, Better World

Return to who you truly are and make the world a better place. It starts with one!

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This is a slogan that I embrace in the highest form. What may come to mind is that we need to adhere to some sort of normative standard of “goodness”. There are so many different standards in this world that have been dictated by culture, religion and trends.

I don’t mean any of those things. I don’t mean that you should be recycling, or protesting injustices or being and doing anything that has been accepted as being “good” by any other than yourself. Of-course you can be doing all these things, but they have little to do with becoming who you truly are.  

What does being a “better you” mean?

Am I somehow faulty? Do I need improvement?

The answer to these are in fact: NO! That’s the whole point. The way you are in your most natural, authentic form, is the best you can possibly be.

The problem is that most of us have forgotten who or what our authentic self is. It sometimes makes an appearance, nudges us and gives us signs. But we usually don’t know that this is what’s happening. We just feel somehow unfulfilled, unhappy, perhaps we have some chronic health issues…it doesn’t even occur to us that there is a little voice inside of us telling us that we are fooling ourselves day in and day out. Sometimes our own bullsh****** is a way to keep us safe and avoid the discomfort of making huge and scary changes. And sometimes it’s a whole pile of nonsense that we have learned to be true, but our authentic self doesn’t agree at all.

So being ‘better’, to us, is leaving all the illusions that we have created, or have been created for us, behind, and simply return to who we truly want to be.

How does this make for a better world?

You may think that being your authentic self can’t exactly save the planet or stop all the wars in this world. That’s what climate and peace activists are for, right? Not so much…

Imagine if all government investment goes to its people. What if the main agenda would be to provide an environment in which each and every person is valued for their unique nature and talents? What if schools, work places, advertisement and government schemes are fully investment in bringing out the magic that lies within each and every human being?

Sure, this is sounds very unrealistic in our current world, but the idea is to envision a world where everyone makes a profound contribution based on who they truly are on the inside. Everybody’s light would shine brightly and create a human utopia.

This isn’t an unrealistic dream. This, in my view, is a possible future.

The vision is not to create a human utopia over night. But it is to inspire individuals to take one step at a time, tap into their hidden potential, calling out their own delusional mind and creating their own, personal utopia.

It starts with one…


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